2025 © Biliardi Cavicchi di Cavicchi Giancarlo
C.F. CVCGCR59M29E253N - P.IVA 00482860350 - Registro imprese di RE n. 134898 - Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 45 - 42016 GUASTALLA (Reggio Emilia) - ITALY+39 0522 824.637 - info@cavicchi.it
In the list of the most practiced sports games and loved around the world billiards certainly occupies a prominent position; fans around the world know very well that the billiards Made in Italy Cavicchi the World Champion billiard are certainly the most popular and well-known in terms of high quality.
The billiards Made in Italy designed and manufactured by the dowels are the ultimate expression of Italian craftsmanship, quality: all the materials of the billiard tables are sophisticated and customizable, to provide customers with an international object tailored to the needs, which is great example of the Italian luxury.
If you are interested in a custom quote or in purchasing billiards Made in Italy please contact us now by filling out the form in the Contacts section!