2025 © Biliardi Cavicchi di Cavicchi Giancarlo
C.F. CVCGCR59M29E253N - P.IVA 00482860350 - Registro imprese di RE n. 134898 - Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 45 - 42016 GUASTALLA (Reggio Emilia) - ITALY+39 0522 824.637 - info@cavicchi.it
Since more of 80 years, we have this continuos passion for the design and detail, that bring us to realize the most exclusive billiards in the world.
Following the same principles we have developed and realized new furniture complements, excusively dedicated, from the precious finishes, the great Costructive Quality and the maximum functionality.
The peculiar shape of Grecale characterized by Curved lines, typical of Cavicchi design, are the emblem of this Poker ta...
The peculiar shape of Edra characterized by hexagonal lines, typical of Cavicchi design, are the emblem of this Roulette...
The essential shape created by hexagonal lines, typical of Cavicchi design, are the emblem of this Madia dedicated to t...